The main rule

Don't ruin the game for the other players.

This means:

1. Do not reveal your exact size before the details of a compare are agreed upon. Comparing cocks is only fun if there's a level of uncertainty beforehand.

2. Don't reveal anyone else's size under any circumstances. Even if you think you're paying someone a compliment, you may be spoiling a comparison they have with someone else. Learn to say: 'No spoilers.'

3. Don't search through the timeline or search the web for clues about the size of another user. Do not keep a spreadsheet or other records of users' sizes in an effort to infer who is bigger before a bet is made. While it is sometimes inevitable that you might accidentally pick up some information beforehand, systematically looking for it is not acceptable.

4. You are encouraged to make good bets, and you are expected to make good on your bets. A bet is only fun under three conditions: both participants think they'll win, the forfeit of the bet is something loser doesn't want to give up, and the loser is willing to pay it if he loses anyway.

How to play

The goal of the game is to get the most points, known here as 'bragging rights'.

You can increase your 'bragging rights' in one of 5 ways:

1. Post cock pics

Some pic types have a set point value, some will be awarded based on the subjective appraisal of the moderators who reviewed it. For details, see 'Criteria for profile pics' below.

2. Win a numbers compare

In a numbers compare, the site automatically calculates your length times your width and compares that with the other user. In the case of a tie, a user with foreskin will win against a user without. If that can't resolve the tie, one user will be chosen randomly to be the winner.

We use width of your cock (distance across) rather than girth (distance around) for one simple reason: There's no good way to check that a user hasn't folded the tape behind his dick.

Yes, we are aware that a cock in real life is not a rectangle, and that this is an approximation. You may consider this a measure of 'visual impact' and not volume. If you do not agree with this, you may instead do an 'in-person' compare.

The points awarded will be determined by what you are willing to stake on it. Riskier bets are rewarded more highly. The loser of the compare will have points deducted. Lost points will be added back upon posting photo proof to the trophy gallery that they made good on their commitments before the deadline.

In order to do a numbers compare, you must have the following profile pics approved: at least one Bulge pic, a Verification pic, a Hard length proof pic, and a Hard width proof pic.

If an in-person compare has already been completed, you cannot do a numbers compare afterward.

3. Win an in-person compare

In an in-person compare, the two competitors meet to decide between the two of you who has the bigger cock through whatever means you like. You may use a measuring tape, displacement of water, visual inspection, or even a third-party judge who ties both competitors hands up before measuring and only unties the winner. But whatever method you agree on, there cannot be a tie.

To complete an in-person compare, you must upload a pic that includes both your cocks and a piece of paper with both usernames and '' written on it. Make sure that the entire hand holding the paper is visible; if it looks like the paper was photoshopped in from the side, it will be rejected. The proof pic doesn't have to demonstrate which party won. It only needs to prove that the two competitors met in-person to compare cocks.

Both the winner and the loser of an in-person compare will receive a bonus of 5000 bragging rights when the in-person proof pic is accepted.

Add stakes to be verified with a pic or a short video clip to increase the bragging rights that the winner will receive.

If both parties accept a proposed stake, it will be posted to the timeline and cannot be removed from a compare later. You are expected to honor your commitments. You can always add more or higher stakes to a compare.

The winner's score will be increased immediately when the in-person proof pic is accepted, and the loser's score will be decreased by the same amount. If the loser posts a trophy pic to prove that the stakes have been paid, the losses will be reversed.

In order to do an in-person compare, you must have the following profile pics approved: at least one Bulge pic, and a Verification pic.

If you have already completed a numbers compare, you may also do an in-person compare afterward, to confirm it, with separate stakes. (If you plan to do this, you may want to commit to stakes before the numbers compare is completed.)

4. Answer survey questions (coming soon)

We're fascinated by cocks, and by the people who like to compare them, and it would be a waste to not do an optional, informal survey.

We have prepared a bunch of (admittedly unscientific) questions about our (hella biased) sample and if you answer them, we'll be able to draw some (questionable but fun) conclusions about cock size, whether shoe size correlates, and how everyone feels about their own endowment and others'.

5. Helping to keep the site going (contact the admin team for details)

At the admin team's discretion, you may be awarded bragging rights for doing work to maintain the site. (E.g. providing non-English translations of the site.)

Limits on stakes

We welcome creativity and interesting new types of stakes. However, stakes that include any of the following are prohibited and will be rejected by our moderators. Depending on the nature of the action, if a user offers or accepts a trophy that includes any of the following prohibitions, moderators may give a warning, apply a penalty or permanently close the user's account.

  • Nothing involving minors
  • No scat
  • No blood
  • No intentional permanent physical harm
  • No username changes
  • No profile edits
  • No profile pic additions or deletions (this is what trophy pics are for)
  • Users may mention race in stakes (e.g. 'An Asian/white/Black cock beat me'), but explicit statements of racial superiority and racial slurs are not permitted
  • No bets that include money or findom in any way

Users must specify the nature of the trophy pic in the 'other details' field. Please also keep in mind the following guidelines.

  • Only use the checkbox to indicate whether face is required or not. Do not write this in the 'other details' field. If the checkbox is used to specify that a face pic is required, but the 'other details' option says otherwise, moderators will treat this as an attempt to game the system to score more points without making the requisite bet. In such a case the checkbox will be given priority, and non-face pics will be rejected by the moderators.
  • Do not write 'as discussed' or 'winner's choice' or 'winner indicates this in a comment'. Moderators do not have access to your discussions, and specifying trophy details in this manner makes our moderators' jobs harder.

The stakes menu comes pre-populated with several ideas for what to wager on a cock size contest, but if you have ideas for other stakes that the menu is missing, please email the moderation team: admin at cock rival dot com.

How to lose

The only ways to lose points are by reneging on a bet or deleting a pic that was awarded points.

When you lose a compare, the number of points that the winner gained is also deducted from the loser's score. This amount will be added back to the loser's score if trophy pics are posted before the due date for the stake.

If your score is below 0 for more than 3 months (90 days), your account will be automatically and permanently closed.

Criteria for profile pics

When you submit a profile pic, it is reviewed by our moderators, who apply the following criteria.

If two moderators agree that the pic meets all the criteria, it is approved and added to your profile. If two moderators agree that a pic should not be accepted, it is rejected.

Moderators will subjectively appraise the bragging rights to be awarded for photos submitted as Bulge or Gallery pics, with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 5000. Decisions are final and may not be appealed. The only objective rule is that if the user's face is visible, the moderator must award at least 2500 bragging rights.

Moderators cannot review their own pics.

Your profile pic will indicate which moderators viewed your pic, so that you can take that into account when deciding on stakes and compares with moderators.

(Illustrations by @TheEarlInGrey)



Bulge pics must include a user's bulge or a visible penis line, but will be rejected if the skin of the user's cock is visible. Only Bulge pics may be used as an avatar, and users are required to have at least one uploaded to their profile for both in-person and numbers compares. Bulge pics are visible to all users, regardless of whether or not they have compared with you.

User will receive the average of the points subjectively awarded by the two moderators who approved their pic

  • Pic is not watermarked or otherwise obviously stolen from another site
  • Photo has not been obviously edited
  • There is no border or bars around the image
  • The pic is in color
  • Bulge is visible
  • The skin of the cock is not visible
  • Photo is clear, in focus, well-lit, and correctly oriented
  • No verification card
  • Pic does not contain advertisements for other sites
  • This is not obviously a pic meant to humiliate the poster

Username verification


A verification pic must include a clear, well-lit photo of the user's body and cock. This photo must include cock (hard or soft), and a hand holding a piece of paper with "" and the username clearly written on it. The photo must be clear enough that moderators can tell whether subsequent photos were taken by the same person or not. There must also be enough of the arm and body visible to rule out the possibility that the hand with the sign was edited in from the side. Do not share this photo with anyone. This pic is only ever visible to moderators. This photo is required for both in-person and numbers compares.

Point value: 1000

  • Pic is not watermarked or otherwise obviously stolen from another site
  • There is no border or bars around the image
  • Photo is clear, in focus, well-lit, and correctly oriented
  • Cock is visible, either soft or hard
  • User's hand is holding paper with "" and correct username on it
  • Cock should not be measured
  • Hand and sign are not photoshopped in
  • Photo is clear enough that the moderator could recognize this cock in other photos
  • Entire cock is visible (not hidden by sign or clothing; not cut off by the frame of the pic)
  • The base of the cock where it attaches to the body is visible (it is clearly not a dildo stuffed in your fly)
  • Entire hand holding card is visible
  • Verification card is legible
  • Text on card reads left-to-right

Hard length proof


Hard length proof pics must include a well-lit, in-focus photo of the user's erect cock, measured with a cloth or soft plastic tape measure with markings in cm. The user must measure the shortest path from base to tip along the top of their cock. The pic must be taken so that the penis is pointing along the plane of the frame of the photograph, not toward the lens of the camera. Do not wear a cock ring. Hard length proof pics are required for numbers compares. Hard length pics become visible to other users after a compare with them. Your hard size will be updated to reflect the measurement in the photo. You may only collect the points for submitting this photo once.

Point value: 1000

  • Pic is not watermarked or otherwise obviously stolen from another site
  • Photo has not been obviously edited
  • There is no border or bars around the image
  • Photo is in color
  • A cloth or soft plastic tape measure is being used to measure erect penis length
  • Tape measure ends at the 0 mark
  • Tape measure in cm with mm markings
  • The 0 mark and its placement at the base is clearly visible
  • The numbers and markings at the tip are clearly visible
  • The tape is not obscured by fingers or other objects between the base and the tip
  • The tape is flat against the cock
  • The tape takes the shortest distance along the top of the cock, from where the cock joins the abdomen to the tip
  • Measured along the top of the cock, not the side or bottom
  • Photo is clear, in focus, well-lit, non-pixelated, and correctly oriented
  • Tape measure has not been visibly modified
  • Pic taken "from above," not from in front
  • The 0 mark is visible and does not appear to extend past the base of the cock or into your pubes (measurement is not bone-pressed and does not include part of the abdomen)
  • Not wearing a cock-ring
  • Cock is pointing out from the body, not up or down
  • Not wearing a cock ring
  • Pic is cropped close enough to clearly see mm markings
  • Measured cock matches verification photo

Hard width proof


Hard width proof pics must include a well-lit, in-focus photo of the user's erect cock, measured with a cloth or soft plastic tape measure with markings in cm. The user must measure the width across their cock. Wrap the tape around your cock so that the markings are visible on both sides. The pic must be taken so that the penis is pointing along the plane of the frame of the photograph, not toward the lens of the camera. Do not wear a cock ring. Hard width proof pics are required for numbers compares. Hard width pics become visible to other users after a compare with them. Your hard size will be updated to reflect the measurement in the photo. You may only collect the points for submitting this photo once.

Point value: 1000

  • Pic is not watermarked or otherwise obviously stolen from another site
  • Photo has not been obviously edited
  • There is no border or bars around the image
  • Photo is in color
  • A cloth or soft plastic tape measure is being used to measure erect penis width
  • Tape measure in cm with mm markings
  • The numbers on both sides of the cock are clearly visible
  • The tape is not obscured by fingers or other objects between one side and the other
  • The tape is touching the cock; no visible space between tape and cock
  • The tape is going directly across the width of the cock, not diagonally and not making a U-shape across the cock
  • Photo is clear, in focus, well-lit, non-pixelated, and correctly oriented
  • Tape measure has not been visibly modified
  • Pic taken "from above," not from in front
  • Not wearing a cock-ring
  • Tape should be wrapped around the cock, not draped over the cock
  • Measuring around a cross-section of the shaft (not the head) of the cock that is representative of the girth as a whole
  • Not wearing a cock ring
  • Measured cock matches verification photo

Soft length proof


Soft length proof pics must include a well-lit, in-focus photo of the user's flaccid cock, measured with a cloth or soft plastic tape measure with markings in cm. The user must measure the shortest path from base to tip along the top of the cock. The pic must be taken so that the penis is pointing along the plane of the frame of the photograph, not toward the lens of the camera. Soft length pics become visible to other users after a compare with them. You may only collect the points for submitting this photo once.

Point value: 500

  • Pic is not watermarked or otherwise obviously stolen from another site
  • Photo has not been obviously edited
  • There is no border or bars around the image
  • Photo is in color
  • A cloth or soft plastic tape measure is being used to measure flaccid penis length
  • Tape measure ends at the 0 mark
  • Tape measure in cm with mm markings
  • The 0 mark and its placement at the base is clearly visible
  • The numbers and markings at the tip are clearly visible
  • The tape is not obscured by fingers or other objects between the base and the tip
  • The tape is flat against the cock
  • The tape takes the shortest distance along the top of the cock, from where the cock joins the abdomen to the tip
  • Measured along the top of the cock, not the side or bottom
  • Photo is clear, in focus, well-lit, and correctly oriented
  • Tape measure has not been visibly modified
  • Measurement is not bone-pressed
  • Not wearing a cock-ring
  • The 0 mark is visible and does not appear to extend past the base of the cock (measurement is not bone-pressed and does not include part of the abdomen)
  • The cock is not obviously hard
  • Foreskin (if any) is pulled back
  • Measured cock matches verification photo

Soft width proof


Soft width proof pics must include a well-lit, in-focus photo of the user's flaccid cock, measured with a cloth or soft plastic tape measure with markings in cm. The user must measure the width across their cock. Wrap the tape around your cock so the markings are visible on both sides. The pic must be taken so that the penis is pointing along the plane of the frame of the photograph, not toward the lens of the camera. Soft length pics become visible to other users after a compare with them. You may only collect the points for submitting this photo once.

Point value: 500

  • Pic is not watermarked or otherwise obviously stolen from another site
  • Photo has not been obviously edited
  • There is no border or bars around the image
  • Photo is in color
  • A cloth or soft plastic tape measure is being used to measure flaccid penis width (across), not girth (around)
  • Tape measure in cm with mm markings
  • The numbers on both sides of the cock are clearly visible
  • The tape is not obscured by fingers or other objects between one side and the other
  • The tape is touching the cock; no visible space between tape and cock
  • The tape is going directly across the width of the cock, not diagonally and not making a U-shape across the cock
  • Photo is clear, in focus, well-lit, and correctly oriented
  • Tape measure has not been visibly modified
  • Pic taken "from above," not from in front
  • Tape is wrapped around the cock, not draped over the cock
  • Measuring around a cross-section of the shaft (not the head) of the cock that is representative of the girth as a whole
  • Measured cock matches verification photo



Gallery pics may be any photo of the user, and will be evaluated by moderators for the possibility of receiving bonus points. Gallery pics become visible to other users only after a compare with them is completed.

User will receive the average of the points subjectively awarded by the two moderators who approved their pic

  • Pic is not watermarked or otherwise obviously stolen from another site
  • Photo has not been obviously edited
  • There is no border or bars around the image
  • Photo is in color
  • Photo is clear, in focus, well-lit, and correctly oriented
  • This is a cock pic or a face pic of some kind (very loosely defined)
  • This is not obviously a pic meant to humiliate the poster
  • Pic is not measured
  • Pic contains only Cockrival members

Criteria for trophy pics

  • Pic has not been obviously stolen from another site
  • There is no border or bars around the image
  • Photo has not been obviously edited
  • Photo is in color
  • Loser appears to match verification pic
  • Pic shows that the stake has been honored
  • Photo is clear, in focus, well-lit, and correctly oriented
  • Pic was uploaded without error
  • Cocks are not measured
  • Pic is original for this trophy (not submitted multiple times)
  • Trophy is not in violation of the site's limits on stakes

Criteria for in-person proof pics

  • Pic has not been obviously edited
  • There is no border or bars around the image
  • Photo is in color
  • Verification card has "" clearly written on it
  • Verification card has both usernames clearly written on it
  • Verification card is held by hand
  • This is a photo of an in-person meeting, not a screenshot of a webcam comparison or something else
  • Both users' dicks match their verification pics
  • Photo is clear, in focus, well-lit, and correctly oriented
  • Text reads right-to-left (not flipped horizontally)


A complete list of all the moderators who viewed your pic at any time during the moderation process is displayed underneath every approved pic.

If the moderation team receives a complaint about an approved pic that does not meet our standards, moderators may also view your photo to re-evaluate it. If this occurs, that moderator will also be listed as having viewed the pic in question, and you will be notified that they 'peeked' at your pic. No moderators have the ability to view your pics without this being disclosed to you.

If your cock size needs to be manually reviewed by a moderator, you will also be notified that they have 'peeked' at your account details.

You can review all moderation actions that have occurred involving your own account in the admin log on your settings page.


Your bulge pics are public and viewable by anyone, signed in to the site or not. Other profile pics are only viewable by others if they are logged in, and have already compared with you. Your verification pic is only ever shown to moderators, and you should not share this with anyone.

The site timeline is only available to users who are signed in. Each item on the timeline, however, has a link associated with it. Individual items on the timeline can be viewed by anyone who has the link, but depending on the user who views them, more or less of that item may be visible.

When a stake is accepted, it is posted to the timeline, and both competitors' identities, as well as the details of the stake can be viewed by anyone who has the link, signed in or not.

On completion of a compare, the loser and what was staked is visible to anyone who has the link, signed in or not, but not the identity of the winner. If a user is signed in and they have compared with both the winner and loser, the identity of the winner is also shown.

Trophy pics are public and can be viewed by anyone who has the link, signed in to the site or not.

Your data

We do not track users or use third party cookies, and we have opted out of Google FLoC.

The only cookies that our site uses are necessary for the functioning of the site.

We do not sell your data to third parties, and do not provide access to it for any reason other than the functioning of the site.

By submitting photos, you give Cockrival a license to save and display that photo to other users of the site according to the rules of the game, as implemented by the site.

Please be aware that it is impossible to display pics to others and also prevent them from making a copy, either by saving the pic or taking a screenshot. Any photos you post here (or anywhere else for that matter) may be saved by other users and circulated, and you must assume any risks associated with that.

All direct messages between users are permanently deleted 1 week after they are read.

If you close your account, we will permanently delete all information from your profile, your record of comparisons, and your profile pics.

Code of conduct

You are expected to abide by the following rules. If you violate the Code of Conduct, your account details may be changed, uploaded pics may be removed, or your account may be closed, depending on the nature and severity of your actions.

  1. Do not attempt to circumvent or degrade the normal functioning of the site in order to cheat or otherwise undermine the game.
  2. Intentional (or repeated and unintentional) spoiling of other people's compares or reneging on agreements made in good faith is not acceptable conduct.
  3. Do not post spam of any kind and do not advertise for other services or sites. (Writing 'this is my contact info' in your profile is okay, 'this is my onlyfans' is not.)
  4. Profile pics must only include un-modified photos of yourself that you have the right to distribute.
  5. In-person compare pics and trophy pics must only include photos of users of Cockrival that you have the right to distribute.
  6. Do not post photos of people who are less than 18 years old.
  7. Do not make more than one account.
  8. Users should expect to receive teasing and banter given the nature of the game, and this will not be moderated. However, evading a user block, collecing identifying information about another user ('doxxing', whether you plan to reveal it or not), or using racial slurs is not acceptable.